
Information on exams of the following lectures:

  • VO Basic Finance I
    (information on registration for the lecture and the exam, examination dates)

Exams on Basics of Finance and Decisions under Uncertainty are only held on-site. You find material relevant for and information on the exam in Moodle. Please register for the lectures to get access to the courses on Moodle.

>> General information on the registration for examinations

For continuous assessment courses (KU, UK, SE, PR) exam dates and other requirements are announced in the courses.

Information on exams of lectures (VO):

  • A VO (lecture) is a non-continuous assessment course.
    It is not necessary to register for the course. But to get access to the eLearning-platform (Moodle)  you have to register for the lecture via u:space.
    From winter term 2018, registration for the lecture will be open during the entire semester.
  • Grading is based on one single exam.
    For each lecture 4 examination dates are offered among which you may choose.
  • Registration for the exam via u:space is required!
    Please mind registration and deregistration periods.
  • The 4th examination attempt is carried out before an examination committee. Students need to register at the SSC via email during the registration period. The SSC will register the student for that particular exam date. The grading is done by the committee. The grade will be registered in the system by the SSC after having received the minutes of the examination.