Minor Banking and Finance
Within the masters' programme Business Analytics as well within the expiring programmes in Business Administration, International Business Administration (curricula 2016) students may choose the minor "Banking and Finance" (20 ECTS points). All courses within this module are held in English.
The aim of this module is to provide a solid and well-founded education in finance, particularly focusing on asset pricing and financial markets, banking and financial intermediation as well as corporate finance.
Structure of the Module
Compulsory Courses
- VO Basics of Finance (2 hpw, 4 ECTS, npi, WS)
- KU Asset Pricing 1 (2 hpw, 4 ECTS, pi, WS, SS)
- KU Banking and Financial Intermediation 1 (2 hpw, 4 ECTS, pi, WS, SS)
- KU Corporate Finance 1 (2 hpw, 4 ECTS, pi, WS, SS)
(hpw = hours per week; (n)pi = (non-)continuous assessment course)
All courses are offered in English.
Students have to choose an elective course (4 ECTS) from the field of finance.
Master's Thesis:
Students who choose the minor Banking and Finance and want to write a master's thesis in this field should attend the relevant advanced courses and/or seminars prior to applying for supervision.
Master's Thesis Seminar (Conversatorium for Master Candidates):
Students present their master's theses in the presence of the respective supervisor shortly before they are completed.