Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
You should successfully pass all the core courses before you start writing your master thesis.
It is highly recommended to attend the relevant advanced courses and/or seminars prior to applying for supervision.
When looking for a supervisor, please prepare a proposal which includes
- an introduction and motivation of the topics,
- a first literature review
(demonstrate that you are familiar with the most important research on your topic), - the research question and the methodological approach envisioned to produce answers.
If you intend to include an empirical part knowledge in econometrics is indispensable.
Students of (International) Business Administation (curricula 2016) therefore are recommended to take the lecture VO Econometrics and Statistics of the Introductory Module of the master's programme in Business Administration before writing the thesis.
For empirical work some prior acquaintance with the data intended for analysis is recommended.
The faculty offers access to a wide range of data about asset prices, accounting and management data, macroeconomic statistics and market microstructure data (LOBSTER).
Check the Vienna Data Center (VDC) for availability and data support.
Please note:
Confirmation of supervision will only be given
- to students of the master's programme in Banking and Finance who successfully completed
- the Introductory Module (A.1),
- all Core Courses in Finance 1 (Module A.2),
- the KU Introductory Econometrics, if your thesis contains an empirical part.
- to students of the master's programme in Applied Economics who successfully completed
- the mandatory courses of the module Banking and Financial Markets
- the mandatory module Introductory Econometrics, if your thesis contains an empirical part.
- to students of the master's programmes in Business Administration or International Business Administration or Business Analytics who successfully completed all mandatory courses of the Minor in Banking and Finance.
Master´s Thesis Seminar
Students are required to present their master theses shortly before the completion in the presence of the respective supervisor.
The SE Master's Thesis Seminar (2 ECTS) for the master's programme in Banking and Finance is offered every semester.
Registration for the seminar only is possible if you have successfully completed the Introductory Module A1.
Note that you should only register for this seminar if you
- are at the end of your studies,
- have successfully passed all the core courses and most of the electives,
- have a well-formed idea for the master thesis, which you could execute within a short period
of time. You may only present when your thesis is in its final phase. - The presentation should include the following items:
- research question,
- literature review,
- research strategy and preliminary results.
Students of the Master's programmes in Business Administration or International Business Administration will only be registered for the Master´s Thesis Seminar in Banking and Finance if they have successfully passed the VO Basics of Finance.
Writing Mentorship Programme
The Center for Teaching and Learning organizes "writing mentoring", in the course of which students trained as peer mentors work with their fellow students on all topics related to academic writing. A separate English writing mentoring group for all English master programs is offered.
Location: Seminar rooms of the CTL
(Universitätsstraße 5, 3rd floor, 1010 Wien)
Writing mentoring is an extracurricular service offered regularly by the University. The mentees will not receive ECTS, but a lot of support by our competent and motivated mentors instead.
Note that the dates are not (and cannot be) coordinated with the Department. Therefore, participation is not an excuse for missing regular courses.
Formal requirements
- Registration of the thesis and the supervisor
- Co-supervision of the work, to be requested by the supervisor
- Format requirements of the thesis
- Submission of the thesis and assessment
>> more information (website of the StudiesServiceCenter)
Master's Examination
Please find information on the final oral examination (defense) and on the graduation at the website of the SSC as well as at the information site on the master's program Banking and Finance:
- Final examination
- Graduation
- Master Banking and Finance > Master's Examination