Geopolitics and the Ethics of Finance and Trade Konferenz 2025
The University of Vienna organized this conference in cooperation with Saint Anselm College, Center for Ethics in Society, NH, USA, the University of St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance, St. Andrews, Scotland, the ICGA - Institute for Cybernetics and Geopolitical Analysis, Vienna, and the Hayek Institute in Vienna from 9 - 10 January 2025 at Klosterneuburg Abbey, Lower Austria.
VGSF Conference 2024
The University of Vienna in cooperation with the WU is organizing the VGSF Conference 2024 which will be held on September 26-27 at the University of Vienna Campus.
Portfolio Management Program
We would like to call your attention to the Portfolio Management Program (PMP), which is offered primarily to future master’s students with a high interest in capital markets.
The program has been run by the WU research institute for capital markets (ISK) jointly with the Pühringer Privatstiftung and is open to top finance students in Vienna.
The ISK holds an information event on the program on Monday, September 23, 2024, 5-6 p.m. This event will explain the program including your chances and challenges.
The event will take place online via Teams: PMP info session
The PMP is a two-year program: First-year students acquire the toolkit needed to successfully work in asset management. In their role as analysts, they support the second-year students who are the portfolio managers taking the investment decisions. The PMP provides students with an ideal platform to apply state-of-the-art concepts and recent developments from academic and applied research to “real-money” asset management. Students receive support from WU professors Josef Zechner, Otto Randl, and Giorgia Simion as well as three tutors who are investment professionals dedicated to support students.
After 20 years of successfully running the program, the ISK is currently working on re-organizing the PMP. Thus, over the next year, they plan to change the structure of the portfolios, and will most likely work with a new sponsor. It will be an exciting time for incoming students, providing ample learning opportunities!
The PMP is a very innovative teaching concept that enables students to combine theory and practice by learning from brilliant academics and practitioners and also by experiencing real market behavior. Students also learn how to work with financial data providers (e.g. Bloomberg, Reuters), how to properly analyze financial data, how to make decisions within groups, how to negotiate prices with counterparties and execute trades, and finally how to make presentations in front of critical audiences of their peers, professors, and experts. This program selects students (usually only MSc level) from all universities in Vienna every year through a highly competitive interview process.
For more information, please refer to https://www.iskwien.at/program-design/portfolio-management-program.
Information on the website of the Department of Finance of our Faculty:
We encourage you to apply to be part of the PMP!
Portfolio Management Program
ZZ WIEN invites you apply for the Portfolio Management Program (PMP), which is offered primarily to future master students with a high interest in capital markets.
The Research Institute for Capital Markets holds a Portfolio Management Program information event on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 5 p.m. This event will explain the program including your chances and challenges. The event will take place via Zoom. Please find all relevant information below.
This invitation is directed towards all students with a keen interest in capital markets and asset management. The world of finance has become increasingly complex, and demand has grown steadily for professionals with a blend of skills in mathematics, computer skills and finance. Hence, we specifically aim at students with a mathematical/computer science/finance background who want to expand their knowledge into other areas. Ideally, you are finalizing your bachelor’s degree and plan to pursue a master’s degree and want to complement your academic education with a practical perspective.
The program and your chances
The portfolio management program is a training initiative that is unique across continental Europe, where students can combine their theoretical knowledge with practical work through the management of three real money portfolios. Each of the portfolios is endowed with assets worth over one million euros. The participation in the program offers students the following:
- Acquisition of knowledge in the field of practical asset management
- Asset management infrastructure including Bloomberg and other financial data vendors
- Additional qualification for the job market through practical experience in asset management
- Course certification upon successful participation in the program
Further information can also be found on our website www.iskwien.at including a short video about the PMP.
Application deadline
You can hand in your application until Sunday, September 24, 2023 at midnight.
There will be an information event in September to introduce the content and structure of the program as well as details of the application process. Please also visit the FAQ to check for frequently asked questions.
Aim of the information event:
The aim of this information event is to introduce the content and structure of the program as well as to share further details of the application process. We are very happy to answer any other open questions (please also visit our FAQ to check for frequently asked questions).
Zoom meeting invitation:
Date: September 19, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Link: https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/67957696132?pwd=SkduMTYrUU5HRzE5Q3hrMzBNb3ZKUT09
Meeting-ID: 679 5769 6132
Kenncode: 012354
BANKS IN TURMOIL - The Ides of March 2023 The Downfall of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse
The event took place on Monday, 27 March 2023 13.30 CET.
The link to the record of the presentation and Q&A session:
Passcode: yZ74%*$?
Since early March 2023, several banks have collapsed and were subsequently supported by financialback-stop tools or third-party competitors. Among others, in the US, the most notable case was SiliconValley Bank, in Europe Credit Suisse.
We will look at both cases, aiming to answer the questions:
- What actually happened?
- Why did it happen?
- What lessons can be learned?
For more than three decades, Christian Schopper (www.christianschopper.com), Founder Partner of
Corporate Finance Central Europe - CorpFinCE (www.corpfince.com) – has focused on Corporate Finance,
M&A and LBOs across German-speaking Europe, the CEE, and the CIS. - He worked among others with
Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, whereby he coordinated the respective firms ́ efforts across Emerging
Europe and Russia.
Since 1990, he has been member of various visiting faculties for Corporate Finance,
Capital Markets and Banking, such as at the University of Vienna, the University of
Graz, the Central European University, or till 2019 in Moscow at the Higher School
of Economics or the New Economic School.
Mr. Schopper holds a Doctorate in Laws and a Doctorate in Economics, both from
the University of Vienna, and an MBA from IMD, Lausanne.
PhD in Finance - Info Session 2022
Want to start a PhD in Finance?
During our info session Professor Alexander Mürmann (VGSF Program Director) will provide you with more insights and information about the Vienna Graduate School of Finance and answer your questions about our PhD program.
Hybrid Event on December 6, 2022, 3-4 pm (CET) on the WU campus in room D4.4.008 or via MS Teams.
Please register at office@vgsf.ac.at and indicate your preferred participation modality (online or in-person).
The VGSF offers fully-funded PhD positions to ambitious and dedicated students who are interested in a challenging and inspirational learning experience in the field of finance. Our 5-year, full-time program includes core and elective courses, a strong focus on research, weekly seminars with top international researchers, annual conferences and job market training in the fifth year.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Information event on the Portfolio Management Program
The ISK Wien invites students to an information event on the Portfolio Management Programon on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 5 pm via zoom.
We would like to call your attention to the Portfolio Management Program (PMP), which is offered primarily to future master students with a high interest in capital markets.
The Research Institute for Capital Markets holds a PMP information event on Thursday September 15, 2022, at 5 p.m.
During this event tutors and alumni will explain the program and discuss potential challenges as well as the application process. The event will take place via Zoom. All relevant information can be found below.
This invitation is addressed to all students with a keen interest in capital markets and asset management. The world of finance has become increasingly complex, and demand has grown steadily for professionals with a blend of skills in mathematics, computer skills and finance. Hence, we specifically aim at students with a mathematical/computer science/finance background who want to expand their knowledge into other areas. Ideally, you are finalizing your bachelor’s degree or just about to start studying toward a master’s degree and want to complement your academic education with a practical perspective.
The program and your chances
The portfolio management program is atwo-year training initiative that is unique across continental Europe, where students can combine their theoretical knowledge with practical insights from the management of three real money portfolios. Each of the portfolios is endowed with assets worth over one million euros. The participation in the program offers students the following:
- Acquisition of knowledge in the field of practical asset management
- Asset management infrastructure including Bloomberg and other financial data vendors
- Additional qualification for the job market through practical experience in asset management
- Course certification upon successful participation in the program
Further information can also be found on our website www.iskwien.at including a short video about the PMP.
Application deadline
You can hand in your application until Friday, 23 September 2022 at midnight.
Aim of information event
The aim of this information event is to introduce the content and structure of the program as well as details of the application process. We are very happy to answer any other open questions. Please also visit our FAQ to check for frequently asked questions.
Meeting details
Topic: PMP info session
Time: 15. Sept. 2022, 5 pm (CET)
Link: https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/93487708709?pwd=ZWQyWXVxcW1vc0hmL1BHc290YU12Zz09
ID: 785113
Information event on the portfolio management program
ZZ WIEN invites you to a Portfolio Management Program information event on Thursday June 9, 2022, at 5 pm via zoom
We would like to call your attention to the Portfolio Management Program (PMP), which is offered primarily to future master students with a high interest in capital markets. The Research Institute for Capital Markets holds a Portfolio Management Program information event on Thursday June 9, 2022, at 5 p.m. This event will explain the program including your chances and challenges. The event will take place via Zoom. All relevant information can be found at the end of the mail.
This invitation is directed towards all students with a keen interest in capital markets and asset management. The world of finance has become increasingly complex, and demand has grown steadily for professionals with a blend of skills in mathematics, computer skills and finance. Hence, we specifically aim at students with a mathematical/computer science/finance background who want to expand their knowledge into other areas. Ideally, you are finalizing your bachelor’s degree and plan to pursue a master’s degree and want to complement your academic education with a practical perspective.
The program and your chances
The portfolio management program is a training initiative that is unique across continental Europe, where students can combine their theoretical knowledge with practical work through the management of three real money portfolios. Each of the portfolios is endowed with assets worth over one million euros. The participation in the program offers students the following:
- Acquisition of knowledge in the field of practical asset management
- Asset management infrastructure including Bloomberg and other financial data vendors
- Additional qualification for the job market through practical experience in asset management
- Course certification upon successful participation in the program
Further information can also be found on our website www.iskwien.at including a short video about the PMP.
Application deadline
You can hand in your application until Friday, 23 September 2022 at midnight.
Aim of information event
The aim of this information event is to introduce the content and structure of the program as well as details of the application process. We are very happy to answer any other open questions (please also visit our FAQ to check for frequently asked questions).
Zoom meeting invitation
Date: June 9, 2022 at 5 p.m.
Link: https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/94668407696?pwd=bDlkZnlwM29xbmVyMnoxb09yTTQzdz09
Meeting-ID: 946 6840 7696
Code: 450004
WiWi team wins national CFA Research Challenge
Students from the Banking & Finance master's program qualify for the next round of the research competition and compete against European teams.
Students from the Banking & Finance master's program qualify for the next round of the research competition and compete against European teams.The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition in which students demonstrate their skills in analysis, evaluation, reporting and presentation. They take on the role of research analysts and receive real-world experience, hands-on mentoring, and intensive training in financial analysis.
Students Dmytro Symonenko, Samy Costin-Osan, Fabian Basler, Anastasiia Germaniuk and Xhesika Leskaj from the Banking & Finance master's program won the national CFA Challenge with their dedication and analytical skills. This is the second time a team from the University of Vienna has won since Austria first participated in the Challenge 12 years ago.
The team, with advisor Gyöngyi Loranth, professor of finance, will compete against other European teams in the next round of the Challenge.
The Department of Finance wishes the team good luck in the next Challenge!More information:
Master's Programme Research in Economics and Finance
From WS 2021/22, the Master's programme "Research in Economics and Finance" will be offered at our faculty together with the Institute of Economics.
Master's Programme Banking and Finance
From the academic year 2019/20 the following courses can be taken instead of the course UK Game Theory and Information Economics:
- VO Decision and Game Theory (MA)
(the course will be offered every semester, in the first half of the semester;
the course is not offered in the SS 2019) - KU Decision and Game Theory II (MA)
(the course will be offered every semester, in the second half of the semester
the course is not offered in the SS 2019) - UK Contract Theory (MA) or Incentive Contracts (MA)
(Contract Theory is offered every summer semester, in the first half of the semester;
Incentive Contracts is offered every winter semester; an exception is the WS 2021/22 when the course will not be offered.)
The courses should be taken consecutively since they bulid on each other. The course Incentive Contracts can be taken in parallel to the courses Decision and Game Theory. Please note that the courses Corporate Finance 2 and Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 build on these courses.
The courses Corporate Finance 1 and Banking and Financial Intermediation 1 will be held both in the winter as well as in the summer Semester.
WiWi-Team wins national CFA Research Challenge
Students of the Master's programme Banking & Finance qualify for the next round of the research competition and compete against European teams.
The OeNB Anniversary Fund supports five research projects of the University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
One of the five project grants goes to the Department of Finance.
POTHIER, David: Disclosure rules and information systems in banking
CFA Research Challenge - Information about the application
The CFA Research Challenge is a global student competition hosted by CFA Institute in which a publicly traded company is analyzed and evaluated, and the findings are summarized in a research report and communicated in a presentation. The students get a real-life experience of analyst practice and can network with the company, CFA members and other students. Already twice the best Austrian team reached a top 5 position at the European finals. The entire competition will be held in English.
Key Facts:
- OMV Aktiengesellschaft acts as the company to be analyzed this year
- Students are supervised by experienced CFA mentors
- The Austrian final will take place on 25.2.2022 at the FH bfi Vienna.
- The international finals will be held online starting March 2022
- All students will receive a certificate with confirmation of successful participation
- Refunding of travel expenses, discount on CFA examination fees, distribution of various non-cash prizes
- Here you can find a Marketing-Presentation with the most important facts, a promotional video as well as a Factsheet and a Poster of CFA Institute
- In the presentation you will also find the contact details for further inquiries.
Information event on the portfolio management program
ZZ WIEN invites you to a zoom meeting on the topic of Introducing the Portfolio Management Program on September 14, 2021, 5:00 pm.
Dear Students,
If you are aiming for a Master's degree at the University of Vienna and have a keen interest in capital markets, the Department of Finance invites you to an information meeting on the Portfolio Management Program on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 5:00 pm. The information event serves to introduce the programme including the opportunities and challenges. This is a zoom event (see below for further information).
This invitation is addressed to all students who are at the end of their bachelor's degree and would like to complete a master's degree with a focus on finance or students who are at the beginning of their master's degree and have already chosen a focus on finance.
Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until midnight on September 20, 2021.
The program and your chances
The Portfolio Management Programme is a training initiative unique in Continental Europe, where students have the opportunity to supplement their theoretical knowledge in the field of capital market analysis in practice by managing three real portfolios of more than € 1 million each. Participation in the programme offers students
- Knowledge acquisition in the field of practical asset management
- Infrastructure by working with Bloomberg and other data services
- Additional qualification on the job market through practical experience in asset management
- Course certificate upon successful participation in the programme
Further information can also be found on ther website www.iskwien.at including a video.
The aim of this information event is to present the content and structure of the programme to students majoring in finance, as well as details of the application procedure for admission to the programme.
Zoom-Meeting access data:
Information event on the portfolio management program
ZZ WIEN invites you to a zoom meeting on the topic of Introducing the Portfolio Management Program on July 7, 2020, 5:00 pm.
If you are aiming for a Master's degree at the University of Vienna and have a keen interest in capital markets, the Department of Finance invites you to an information meeting on the Portfolio Management Program on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at 5:00 pm. The information event serves to introduce the programme including the opportunities and challenges. This is a zoom event (see below for further information).
This invitation is addressed to all students who are at the end of their bachelor's degree and would like to complete a master's degree with a focus on finance or students who are at the beginning of their master's degree and have already chosen a focus on finance.
The program and its opportunities
The Portfolio Management Programme is a training initiative unique in Continental Europe, where students have the opportunity to supplement their theoretical knowledge in the field of capital market analysis in practice by managing three real portfolios of more than € 1 million each. Participation in the programme offers students
- Knowledge acquisition in the field of practical asset management
- Infrastructure by working with Bloomberg and other data services
- Additional qualification on the job market through practical experience in asset management
- Course certificate upon successful participation in the programme
Further information can also be found on ther website www.iskwien.at including a video.
The aim of this information event is to present the content and structure of the programme to students majoring in finance, as well as details of the application procedure for admission to the programme.
Join the zoom meeting:
Interested parties can send an e-mail to pmp@iskwien.at to receive the access data.
Prof. Günter Strobl - Welcome to Vienna
As of September 1, Professor Günter Strobl joins our department. Prof. Strobl was a student at our University prior to studying for his PhD at Wharton (U. Pennsylvania). He held a Position as an assistant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (US) and as a full professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
Bank of Finland: Survey on Bank Capital Requirements
The results of the recently concluded Survey on Bank Capital Requirements are available on the Bank of Finland website. Thomas Gehrig was participating as a member of the Survey Advisory Board.
The survey research team: Gene Ambrocio (Bank of Finland), Esa Jokivuolle (Bank of Finland), Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University and Bank of Finland), and Kim Ristolainen (University of Turku)
The survey advisory board: Mark Flannery (University of Florida), Thomas Gehrig (University of Vienna), Seppo Honkapohja (Aalto University), William Kerr (Harvard Business School), Philip Molyneux (Bangor University), Steven Ongena (University of Zurich), George Pennacchi (University of Illinois), and Tuomas Valimaki (Bank of Finland)
Portfolio Management Program (PMP)
An information session about the Portfolio Management Program (PMP) will be held on
Tue, June 11th, 2018, 5:30 pm at HS 17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1.
See the PMP-Website for more information.
>> more informationen about the program
>> PMP-Website
>> application process
Guest Professor Kathy Yuan
Professor Kathy Yuan from the LSE will hold the course: On Liquidity, Money, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (MA) at our Department from 26 to 29 March and on 29 April 2019.
Final Conference of the Research Group Financial Crisis
The final conference of the Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG)
"After the Crisis is Before the Crisis"
is held on April 11-12, 2019 at the Raiffeisen Forum (1020 Wien, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen-Platz 1).
To register please contact per email sigrid.hopf@univie.ac.at or koch@oefg.at (Dorothea Koch)
Website: https://www.oefg.at/events/arge-finanzkrise-abschlusskonferenz-160/
Dockner Lectures
In April 2017 one of Austria's most renowned economists, Engelbert Dockner, passed away after a long and serious illness.
In his Ph. D. thesis, Engelbert Dockner derived an elegant stability analysis of two-state optimal control models. Another of his path-breaking contributions is the 'blue bible' on `Differential Games in Economics and Management Science' (joint with Steffen Jørgensen, Ngo van Long and Gerhard Sorger). For most of his career, he was a professor of finance and worked on diverse topics such as asset pricing, risk dynamics, and financial market structures.
In addition to his deep and broad research interests and his intellectual curiosity, Engelbert Dockner's trademark was his modest and well-balanced personality. He was highly regarded by his colleagues as an integrative person and arbitrator. After his diagnosis, he accepted his hard fate with equanimity.
To commemorate Engelbert Dockner's achievements we launch the DOCKNER LECTURES, a series of events that will take place alternatingly at the three universities in Vienna with which he was affiliated during his career.
The series will start on
April 10th, 2019 at 4 pm in the Böcklsaal at the Vienna University of Technology
with a lecture by Prof. Ngo Van Long from McGill University.
In 2020 it will be continued with a talk at the University of Vienna, and in 2021 there will be a lecture at the WU Vienna University of Business and Economics.
Gustav Feichtinger, Gerhard Sorger, Josef Zechner
Application for a PhD position in Finance
We would like to invite you to submit your application for a PhD position in Finance at the Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF). Deadline for application is January 31, 2019 at midnight Pacific Time.
You can have an overview of the program on our website at www.vgsf.ac.at/phd-program or by downloading our www.vgsf.ac.at/brochure.
Detailed information on requirements and material needed are online at www.vgsf.ac.at/application.
Questions about the program? Join our Info Session!
We are available to answer all your questions on Wednesday November 21, 4pm-5pm,
University of Vienna; Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics; Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1; Room: Hörsaal 8.
If you are interested to this event, please sign up on the VGSF FB page event:
For any questions, write to Adrian.Baron@wu.ac.at
VGSF Job Market Candidates
The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) has four candidates on the job markets.
Check out their profiles here.
- Maximilian Bredendiek
- Giedre Lenciauskaite
- Giorgio Ottonello
- Asad Rauf
View their profiles at: https://www.vgsf.ac.at/students-graduates/job-market-candidates/
Call for Papers for the Workshop on Banking and Institutions
Call for Papers for the Workshop on Banking and Institutions, Munich, 4 - 5 April 2019, organized by ifo Institute, Center for Economic Studies (CES), Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) and LaRGE Research Center (University of Strasbourg).
CFA Research Challenge 2018/2019
The CFA Institute Research Challenge is a global competition that tests the equity research and valuation, investment report writing, and presentation skills of university students.
The challenge gives the students real-life experience as well as unique networking opportunity through meetings with the S IMMO AG, CFA members and other students. In the past years, Austria team has achieved outstanding results, scoring among top 5 teams in the European Final.
CFA research challenge is a competition between student where the Local CFA Institute volunteers work in conjunction with participating local universities to assemble teams of 3–5 business and finance students. Each team works directly with a mentor to research and prepare a full equity research report (financial modelling & company valuation) on a publicly traded company.
Key facts:
- The competition takes place entirely in English.
- All master students are welcome to participate – Banking & Finance, (I)BWL and VWL.
- This year's analysed company is S IMMO AG.
- Students work with experienced CFA mentors.
- Austrian Final takes place on 1.3.2019 in Vienna followed by European Final in April in Zurich. (Refund of travelling costs.)
- All students will receive a certificate confirming their successful participation.
If you are interested in taking part in the CFA Research Challenge, please apply by sending an email to Ms. Mirzana Muharemagic (mirzana.muharemagic@univie.ac.at)
Once the registration is closed, students will be informed via e-mail if they have been selected for the challenge this year.
For more information and participation criteria, please see attached documents.
>> Factsheet
Portfolio Management Program
On Friday, September 21st, 2018, 3-5 p.m. at the Campus of the Vienna University of Economics (WU) in room D3.0.225 there will be an information event for students, who are interested in the program.
The deadline for the 16th class of the portfolio management program is September 23rd, 2018.
See the PMP-Website for more information.
KU Corporate Finance 1
We are able to offer additionally the course Corporate Finance 1 in the upcoming winter term.
This course is primarily offered for students who want to finish their master's studies in this academic year. Students in the first year of the master's programme Banking and Finance or students of the master's programme (International) Business Administration who just start with the minor Banking and Finance should take the course offered in the summer term.
Seminars in the winter term 2018
During the winter term 2018/19 the following seminars will be offered by the department:
- SE Financial Crises and Macroprudential Regulation (Specialisations Banking and Financial Markets)
- SE Advanced Topics in Valuation (Specialisation Corporate Finance)
For more detailed information on the seminar Financial Crises and Macroprudential Regulation, please refer to the syllabus.
Call for Papers for the 8th Workshop "Banks and Financial Markets"
Call for Papers for the 8th Workshop "Banks and Financial Markets", October 25-26, 2018 at the University of Augsburg’s Faculty of Business and Economics
Portfoliomanagement Program
An information session about the Portfolio Management Program (PMP) will
be held on Tue, June 12th, 2018, 5 pm at HS 7, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1.
This year the program offers two application periods in June and September.
The first deadline for the 16th class is June, 17th.
See the PMP-Website for more information.
ACATIS Value Prize 2018
The ACATIS Value Prize is awarded for the 16th time this year for scientific papers in the field of value investing. For further information, please refer to the flyer or the terms of participation.
Lectures in the summer semester 2018
The course directory for the following semester is online.
Please note that not all lectures have been assigned to their respective study programmes yet (this holds especially for the Master's programme in Banking & Finance).
The following courses will only be offered in the winter semester 2018/19 due to Prof. Gehrig being on sabbatical this semester:
- Asset Pricing 2
- Seminar in Financial Intermediation and Financial Markets
New master's programme in Banking & Finance from 2017
The curriculum for new Master's programme in Banking and Finance was published on 28.06.2018 in the University bulletin. It is effective starting on 01.10.2017.
Students interested in the Master's programme who have already begun their studies in the academic year 2016/17, may take courses within the Master's programme in Business Administration or Economics and then transfer to the Master's in Banking and Finance in the winter semester 2017. Completed courses will be credited.
>> Curriculum