Special Topics in Banking and Finance: International Finance

Part of the Required Elective Module ("Alternatives Pflichtmodul") Banking and Finance.

Aims, contents and method of the course

First part:
1. Introduction of International Financial Management
2. International financial market
3. Exchange Rates
4. Currency derivatives
5. Capital structureSecond part:
6. Forecasting Exchange Rates
7. Measuring exposure to Exchange Rates fluctuations
8. Hedging exposure to Exchange Rates fluctuations
9. Foreign direct investment and country risk
10. International capital markets

Assessment and permitted materials

Assessment consists mainly of a midtest exam that will cover the first part of the course and a final exam focused on the topics in the second part. Each exam will count for 40% of the final grade.
The remaining 20% will be assigned according to homework and active participation in class.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

This single module is divided in two main parts. The first part aims at introducing the students to the institutional environment of the Foreign Exchange Markets and currency forwards and options contracts.The second part focuses on the management of financial exposure and swap
contacts. It further discusses FDI and international capital markets, capital structure and cost of capital.

Examination topics

This course is based on 3 hours of lectures and seminars a week. The theoretical contents will be developed in the first part of the lecture, while the remaining time will be dedicated to exercises and case studies.

Reading list

Main textbooks:
- Eun, Resnick, and Sabherwal, “International Finance” (global edition), Mc Graw Hill, 6th edition (parts IV-V).
- Madura and Fox, “International Financial Management”, South-Western Cengage learning, 2nd edition (parts III-IV).