Previous Research Seminars
Winter Term 2007/08
January 31st, 2008 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management | |
Mark Seasholes (Santa Clara University, London Business School and INSEAD) | "Time Variation in Liquidity: The Role of Market Maker Inventories and Revenues" |
January 25th, 2008 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Susan Christoffersen (McGill Universtiy) | "Fund Flows vs. Family Flows: Evidence from the Cross Section of Brokers" |
January 18th, 2008 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Rohit Rahi (London School of Economics) | "Arbitrage Networks" |
January 11th, 2008 VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Alexander Wagner (Universty of Zurich) | "The Executive Turnover Risk Premium" |
Jeffrey Zwiebel (Stanford University) | "Executive Pay, Hidden Compensation, and Managerial Entrenchment" |
December 13th, 2007 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Michael Brandt (Duke University) | "What Do Government Bond Investors Care About: Credit Quality or Liquidity?" |
December 12th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Sheridan Titman (Universtiy of Texas at Austin) | "Financial Structure, Liquidity, and Firm Locations" |
December 7th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Kristian Miltersen (Norwegian Schoo of Economics and Business Administration) | "Real Options with Uncertain Maturity and Competion" |
November 30th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Vikram Nanda (Arizona State Universtiy) | "Are Incentives Contracts Rigged by perwful CEOs?" |
November 23th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Loriana Pelizzon (Universtà Ca'Foscari di Venezia) | "Credit Derivative, Capital Requirements and Opaque OTC Markets" |
November 16th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Jason Huafeng Chen (Universtiy of British Columbia) | "Return Comovement" |
Novermber 9th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Damir Filipovic (Vienna Institute of Finance) | "Non-Monotone Risk Measures and Monotone Hulls" |
October 25th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Eckhard Platen (Universtiy of Technology Sydney) | "A Benchmark Approach to Finance" |
Octobr 19th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Andrea Eisfeldt (Northwestern Universtiy) | Financing Shortfalls and the Value of Aggregate Liquidity" |
October 12th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Felix Meschke (Universtiy of Minnesota) | "The Rise and Fall of Protolio Pumping Among U.S. Mutual Funds" |
October 5th, 2007(VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Gordon Philips (Universtiy of Maryland) | "Real and Financial Industry Booms and Busts" |
September 7th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Adlai Fisher (Universtiy of British Colombia) | "Conditional Risk, Overconditioning, and the Performance of Momentum Strategies" |
Summer Term 2007
May 9th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Michael Roberts (Wharton) | "TBA " |
April 27th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Lu Zhang (University of Michigan) | "Regularities " |
April 20th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Massimo Massa (INSEAD) | "Cosmetic Mergers: The Effect of Style Investing on the Market for Corporate Control " |
March 30th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Christopher Hennessy (UC Berkley) | "A dynamic theory of corporate finance based upon repeated signaling" |
January 27th, 2007 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Christopher Hennessy (UC Berkley) | "Understanding Corporate Announcement Effects " |
March 9th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Matti Keloharju (Helsinki School of Economics) | "Sensation Seeking, Overconfidence, and Trading Activity" |
Laurent E. Calvet (HEC Paris) | "Down or Out: Assessing the Welfare Costs of Household Investment Mistakes" |
Winter Term 2006/07
January 26th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Pedro Santa-Clara (UCLA Anderson School of Management) | "TBA" |
January 25th, 2007 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Pedro Santa-Clara (UCLA Anderson School of Management) | "How to optimize portfolios with a large number of assets?" |
January 12th, 2007 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Leopold Sögner (Vienna University of Technology) | "Jumps and Recovery Rates Inferred from Corporate CDS Premia" |
December 15th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Denis Gromb (London Business School) | "Financially Constrained Arbitrage and the Cross-section of Market Liquidity" |
December 5th, 2006 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Peter Bossaerts (California Institute of Technology) | "Neuro-Finance" |
December 4th, 2006 (ISK Wien) | |
Gang Yi (Beijing University) | "China's Macroeconomy and Monetary Policy under Globalization" |
December 1st, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Peter Bossaerts (California Institute of Technology) |
"Equilibration under Competition in Smalls: Theory and Experimental Evidence" |
November 24th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Youchang Wu (University of Vienna) | "Intermediated Investment Management" |
November 17th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Nicole Branger (University of Münster) |
"Rational Laymen versus Over-Confident Experts: Who Survives in teh Long Run? " |
November 10th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Erik Theissen (University of Bonn) |
"Short Sale Constraints, Divergence of Opinion and Asset Values: Evidence from the Laboratory" |
November 3rd, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Dirk Hackbarth (Washington University in St. Louis) | "Corporate Bond Credit Spreads and Forecast Dispersion" |
October 31th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
William Goetzman (Yale School of Management) | "Risk Aversion and Clientele Effects" |
October 30th, 2006 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
William Goetzman (Yale School of Management) | "Lessons from Hedge Fund Registration" |
October 16th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Marcin Kacperczyk (University of British Columbia) | "Labor Unions, Operating Leverage and Expected Stock Returns" |
October 13th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Xavier Freixas (Pompeu Fabra) | "How can emerging market economies benefit from a corporate bond market?" |
October 9th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Ashley Wang (UC Irvine) | "Asset Pricing and Mispricing" |
October 6th, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Peter Swan (UNSW) | "Optimal portfomio balancing under conventional preferences and transaction costs explains the equity premium puzzle" |
Summer Term 2006
June 30, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Li Jin (Harvard Business School) | "Managerial Career Concern and Mutual Fund Short-termism" |
June 29, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Ananth Madhavan (Barclays Global Investors) | " Transaction Cost Modeling As A Source Of Alpha" |
June 23, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Branco Urosevic (Faculty of Economics, Belgrade and Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) | "Ownership Dynamics with Multiple Insiders: The case of REITs" |
June 19, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Philipp Schönbucher (ETH Zurich) | "Portfolio Losses and the Term Structure of Loss Transition Rates: A new methodology for the pricing of portfolio credit derivatives" |
June 13, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Kai Li (University of British Columbia) | "Corporate Boards and the Leverage and Debt Maturity Choices" |
Martijn Cremers (University of Yale) | "Active and Passive Positions by Mutual Funds" |
June 12, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
David Feldman (University of New South Wales) | "The CAPM Relation for Inefficient Portfolios" |
June 2, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Josef Zechner (University of Vienna) | "Human Capital, Bankruptcy, and Capital Structure" |
May 31, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Theo Vermaelen (INSEAD) | "Beating the market with buybacks" |
May 29, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Damir Filipovic (University of Munich, Mathematics Institute) | "Optimal Capital and Risk Transfer for Group Diversification" |
May 24, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Wolfgang Bühler (University of Mannheim) | "Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, and Optimal Capital Structure under Incomplete Accounting Information" |
May 19, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Lorenzo Garlappi (University of Texas at Austin) | "Default Risk, Shareholder Advantage, and Stock Returns" |
May 12, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Andrei Simonov (Stockholm School of Economics) | "Shareholder Homogeneity and Firm Value: The Disciplining Role of Non-Controlling Shareholders" |
May 5, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Dimitri Vayanos (LSE) | "A Search-Based Theory of the On-the-Run Phenomenon" |
April 28, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Pierre Mella-Barral (HEC Paris) | "Which way to Grow? Merging, Allying, or Buying Assets" |
April 7, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Liam Brunt (University of Lausanne) | "Do Banks Generate Financial Market Integration?" |
March 31, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Erwan Morellec (Université de Lausanne) | "Stock returns in mergers and acquisitions" |
March 17, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Klaus Ritzberger (IHS) | "Corporate Control and the Stock Market" |
March 10, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
J. Doyne Farmer (Santa Fe Institute) | "Financial markets as a behavioral laboratory: An empirical behavioral model for price formation" |
March 3, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Michael Halling (University of Vienna) | "Equity Return Prediction: Are Coefficients Time-Varying?" |
February 21, 2006 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) ) | |
Vasant Naik (Lehman Brothers, London) | " Quantitative Investing in Global Interest Rate and Currency Markets " |
February 20, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Vasant Naik (Lehman Brothers, London) | "Global Savings-Investment Imbalances: A Look through the Life-Cycle Model" |
Winter Term 2005/06
January 27, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Lubos Pastor (University of Chicago) | "Technological Revolutions and Stock Prices" |
January 20, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Engelbert Dockner (University of Vienna) | "Leaders, Followers, and Risk Dynamics in Industry Equilibrium" |
December 19, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Darrell Duffie (Stanford University) | "Measuring and Pricing Corporate Default Risk: Where are we now?" |
December 16, 2006 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Ilya Strebulaev (Stanford University) | "Firm Size and Capital Structure" |
December 5, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Terrance Odean (University of California, Berkeley) | "Investor behavior and market efficiency" |
December 2, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Burcin Yurtoglu (University of Vienna) | "The Effects of Ownership Concentration and Identity on Investment Performance: An International Comparison" |
November 25, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Ed Nosal (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland) | "Moral Hazard and the Design of Bank Liabilities" |
November 18, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Hans Degryse (CentER-Tilburg University) | "SMEs and Bank Lending Relationships: The Impact of Mergers" |
November 11, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Charlotte Ostergaard (Norwegian School of Management) | "U.S. Banking Deregulation, Small Businesses, and Interstate Insurance of Personal Income" |
November 4, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Espen Eckbo (Dartmouth College) | "The Toehold Puzzle" |
October 28, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Alois Geyer (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) | "Life-Cycle Asset Allocation" |
October 21, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Alexander Stomper (University of Vienna) | "How Leverage affects Pricing: Theory and Evidence" |
October 7, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Per Strömberg (SIFR) | "What are Firms? Evolution from Birth to Public Companies" |
Nicolae Garleanu (University of Pennsylvania) | "Demand-Based Option Pricing" |
October 6, 2005 (VGSF Research Seminar) | |
Bing Liang (University of Massachusetts) | "Do Market Timing Hedge Funds Time the Market?" |
Summer Term 2005
June 24, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Martin Ruckes (University of Wisconsin.Madison) | "A Dynamic Analysis of Growth via Acquisition" |
June 17, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Roman Inderst (INSEAD, London School of Economics, and CEPR) | "Keeping the Board in the Dark: CEO Compensation and Entrenchment" |
June 13, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
K. Geert Rouwenhorst (Yale School of Management) | "The Long-Term Performance of Commodity Futures" |
June 10, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Klaus Ritzberger (IHS) | "Who Controls Allianz?" |
June 3, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Hayne E. Leland (Berkeley) | "Purely Financial Synergies and the Optimal Scope of the Firm: Implications for Mergers, Spin-Offs, and Structured Finance " |
May 30, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Hayne E. Leland (Berkeley) | "Optimal Portfolio Implementation with Transactions Costs and Taxes" |
May 23, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Suresh Sundaresan (Columbia University) | "Disintermediation of Credit Risk - Opportunities & Challenges" |
May 20, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Suresh Sundaresan (Columbia University) | "Irreversible Investment in General Equilibrium" |
May 13, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Alfred Lehar (University of Vienna) | "Using Price Information as an Instrument of Market Discipline in Regulating Bank Risk" |
April 29, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Viral Acharya (London Business School) | "Cash-in-the-Market Pricing and Optimal Bank Bailout Policy" |
April 22, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Youchang Wu (University of Vienna) | "Security Characteristics and Expected Returns: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market" |
April 15, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Suleyman Basak (London Business School) | "On the Role of Arbitrageurs in Rational Markets" |
April 13, 2005 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Suleyman Basak (London Business School) | "Implicit Incentives and benchmarking in Money Management" |
April 8, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Jun Liu (UCLA) | "Private Information, Diversification, and Asset Pricing" |
April 1, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Thomas Steinberger | "Defined Benefit Plans: Risk Sharing, Default and Regulation" |
March 18, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Doron Avramov (University of Maryland) | "Investing in Mutual Funds when Returns are Predictable" |
March 11, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Christine Parlour (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Credit Risk Transfer" |
Winter Term 2004/05
January 28, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Bernard Dumas (INSEAD) | "What To Do About Excessive Volatility?" |
January 21, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Florian Heider (ECB) | "Capital structure, risk and asymmetric information" |
January 14, 2005 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Christian Pierdzioch (Universität Kiel) | "Sources of Predictability of European Stock Markets for High-Technology Firms" |
December 10, 2004 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Youchang Wu and Josef Zechner (University of Vienna) | "Closed-end Fund Governance, Portfolio Performance, and the Discount" |
December 3, 2004 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Andrew Ellul (Indiana University) | "External Governance and Debt Agency Costs of Family Firms" |
November 29, 2004 Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management | |
Gutmann Center Symposium on Hedge Funds | |
November 12, 2004 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Ernst Maug (Humboldt University, Berlin) | "Do Shareholders Vote Strategically? Evidence on the Advisory Role of Annual General Meetings" |
November 11, 2004 (BSI Gamma, Uni Wien, ISK) | |
Konferenz Corporate Governance> | |
November 9, 2004 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Ernesto Rossi di Montelera (Observatoire de la Finance) | "Profit and ethics: enemies, partners, or unconcerned?" |
November 3, 2004 (CCEFM / IHS Workshop) | |
Rick Green (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Financial Intermediation and the Costs of Trading in an Opaque Market" |
October 22, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Yihong Xia (University of Pennsylvania) | "Persistence, Predictability, and Portfolio Planning" |
October 15, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Raman Uppal (London Business School) | "How inefficient are simple asset-allocation strategies?" |
October 13, 2004 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Raman Uppal (London Business School) | "Portfolio Selection with Parameter and Model Uncertainty" |
October 8, 2004 (CCEFM> Workshop) | |
Eugene Kandel (Hebrew University) | "Evaluating Asset Managers by Decomposing Their Active Decisions" |
Summer Term 2004
June 4, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Martin Dierker (University of Houston) | "Do Shareholder Rights affect the Cost of Bank Loans" |
May 17, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Leonid Kogan (MIT) | "The Price Impact and Survival of Irrational Traders" |
May 17, 2004 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Leonid Kogan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) | "Evaluating Portfolio Policies: A Duality Approach" |
April 30, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Duane Seppi (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Liquidity Discovery and Asset Pricing" |
March 25, 2004 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
William F. Sharpe (Stanford University's Graduate School of Business) | "Asset Allocation Optimization: Theory and Practice" |
March 24, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
William F. Sharpe (Stanford Graduate School of Business) | "Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice" |
March 19, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Leo Kaas (University of Vienna) | "Financial Market Integration and Loan Competition: When is Entry Deregulation Socially Benefitial?" |
Winter Term 2003/04
January 22, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Stephen A. Ross (MIT Sloan Management School) | "Compensation, Incentives, and the Duality of Risk Aversion and Riskiness" |
January 21, 2004 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Stephen A. Ross (MIT Sloan Management School) | "A Neoclassical View of Behavioral Finance and the Closed End Fund Puzzle-Implications for Asset Management" |
January 16, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Josef Zechner (University of Vienna) | "Where is the Market? Evidence from Cross-Listings" |
January 9, 2004 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Alex Stomper (University of Vienna) | "Why Leverage Distorts Investment" |
November 21, 2003 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Chester Spatt (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Equilibrium Asset Pricing under Heterogeneous Information" |
November 7, 2003 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Jin-Chuan Duan (University of Toronto) | "Executive Stock Options and Incentive Effects due to Systematic Risk" |
October 31, 2003 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Gilles Chemla (University of British Columbia) | "The Dynamic Trade-Off Theory with Real Investment" |
October 24, 2003 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Michael J. Brennan (UCLA) | "The Dynamics of International Equity Market Expectations" |
October 17, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Andrei Shleifer (Harvard University) | "A Normal Country - Russia's reforms" |
October 17, 2003 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Andrei Shleifer (Harvard University) | "What works in Securities Laws?" |
October 6, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Michael J. Brennan (UCLA, LSE) | "Reasonable Beliefs" |
Summer Term 2003
June 18, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management and CCEFM Workshop) | |
Robert A. Korajczyk (Harry G. Guthmann Distinguished Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) | "Sunspots, Iterative Two-Pass Cross-Sectional Regressions, and Asymptotic Principal Components" |
June 17, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Robert A. Korajczyk (Harry G. Guthmann Distinguished Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) | "Liquidity and Portfolio Management" |
June 4, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Russel R. Wermers (University of Maryland) | "Games Asset Managers Play" |
May 14, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
William K H FUNG (London Business School) | "The Risk in Hedge Fund Strategies: Alternative Alphas and Alternative Betas" |
May 8, 2003 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
David Lando (Copenhagen Business School) | "On confidence sets for transition probabilities" |
April 4, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management and CCEFM Workshop) | |
Martin WEBER (University of Mannheim) | "On the Trend Recognition Ability of Professional Traders - Are they better or just more overconfident than lay people?" |
April 3, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Martin WEBER (University of Mannheim) | "Overconfidence of Professional Traders and Private Investors" |
March 21, 2003 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management and CCEFM Workshop) | |
Alexander STOMPER (University of Vienna) | "IPO Pricing with Bookbuilding and a When-Issued Market" |
Winter Term 2002/03
December 2, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Panel discussion:
"Long-Term Asset Allocation - what have we learned from the 90s?" (Zvi Bodie (Boston University School of Management), Klaus Spremann (University of St.Gallen), Dr. Michael Brennan (University of California, Los Angeles), Elroy Dimson (London Business School), Horace "Woody" Brock (CEO Strategic Economic Decisions), Dr. Rudolf Stahl (CEO Bank Gutmann AG), Dr. Anton Fink (Member of the Board, Bank Gutmann AG)) | |
November 29, 2002 (keynote of the workshop of Austrian Working Group in Banking and Finance) | |
Alan Morrison (Oxford) | "Partnerships" |
November 11, 2002 | |
Roy van der Weide (University of Amsterdam) | "GO-GARCH: A multivariate Generalized Orthogonal GARCH Model" |
October 8, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Russel Wermers (University of Maryland) | "Can we predict the Future Returns of Active Money Managers?" |
September 25, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Thorsten Hens (Universität Zürich) | "An Application of Evolutionary Finance to Firms Listed in the Swiss Market Index" |
September 24, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Thorsten Hens (Universität Zürich) | "Evolutionäre Portfoliotheorie" |
Summer Term 2002
June 24, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Suresh Sundaresan (Columbia University) | "Default Risk and Portfolio Management" |
June 21, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Suresh Sundaresan (Columbia University) | "Collateralized Swaps: Implications for Valuation and Zero Extraction" |
June 14, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Wolfgang Bühler (Universität Mannheim) | "Bewertung von Wandelanleihen: Blockwandlung vs. optimale sequentielle Wandlung" |
June 7, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Martin Scheicher (OeNB) | "Modeling the Implied Probability of Stock Market Movements" |
May 24, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Utpal Bhattacharya (Indiana University) | "Costly vs. Costless Signaling: Theory and Evidence from Share Repurchases" |
May 22, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Neal Stoughton (University of California) | "Off Balance: Earnings Mismanagement through Special Purpose Entities" |
May 17, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Stephen Ross (MIT) | "A Neoclassical Look at Behavioral Finance: The Case of the Closed End Funds" |
April 19, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Colin Mayer (Oxford University) | "Asset Management and Investor Protection Structure and regulation of asset management businesses in Europe and the USA" |
March 3, 2002 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Klaus Spremann (Universität St. Gallen) | "Strategische und taktische Geldanlage für den langen Horizont - worauf muss der Privatanleger achten?" |
Winter Term 2001/02
January 18, 2002 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Avi Wohl (Tel Aviv University) | "The Information Content of the Demand and Supply Schedules of Stocks" |
December 12, 2001 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Phelim Boyle (University of Waterloo) | "Asset Allocation" |
December 12, 2001 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Duane Seppi (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Pricing of Energy Derivates" |
November 23, 2001 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Pegaret Pichler (Boston College) | "Optimal Contracts for Teams of Traders" |
November 22, 2001 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Maurice Levi (University of British Columbia) | "Stock market anomalies" |
November 16, 2001 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Gerhard Stahl (Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Kreditwesen) | "How to formulate a regulatory framework. A case study: Electricity risk" |
November 5, 2001 (Public Lecture of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management) | |
Elroy Dimson (London Business School) | "High frequency performance mointoring" |
October 23, 2001 | |
Alex Stomper (Universität Wien) | "The First Prices in a New Market: Nasdaq vs. Neuer Markt" |
October 19, 2001 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Otto Randl (Universität Wien) | "Chinese Walls in German Banks" |
Summer Term 2001
CCEFM Workshops (Yishay Yafeh, Ernst Ludwig Von Thadden)
Winter Term 2000/01
January 26, 2001 (CCEFM Workshop and SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science") | |
Thomas Lux (University of Kiel) | "Künstliche Finanzmaerkte und die 'stilisierten Fakten'" |
January 19, 2001 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Christian Laux (University of Mannheim) | "Incentives in Internal Capital Markets: Capital Constraints, Competition, and Investment Opportunities" |
December 15, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Jan Krahnen (University of Frankfurt) | "Private debt restructuring: Evidence on coordination risk in financial distress" |
December 1, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Raman Uppal (London Business School) | "Risk Aversion and Optimal Portfolio Policies in Partial and General Equilibrium Economies" |
November 24, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Marek Musiela (University of New South Wales) | "ATM-volatility and volatility related expectation hypotheses" |
November 17, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Javier Suarez (CEMFI) | "Pre-emptive Policies for Systemic Banking Crises" (pdf) |
October 20, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Thomas Dangl (University of Vienna) | "Basle Accord vs. Value-at-Risk Regulation in Banking" |
Summer Term 2000
June 21, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
David Bates (University of Iowa) | "Post-'87 Crash Fears in the S&P 500 Futures Option Market" |
June 9, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Enrico Perotti (University of Amsterdam) | "Privatization and Political Risk in Emerging Economies: Confidence Building and Stock Market Development" |
June 6, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Gerald Garvey (University of British Columbia) | "The Optimal and Actual Use of EVA in Executive Compensation" |
June 2, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
David Lando (University of Copenhagen) | "Statistical Analysis of Rating Transitions - A Continuous-Time Approach" |
May 26, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Paolo Fulghieri (INSEAD) | "Choosing and Exchange to list Equity: A Theory of Cross-Listing, Listing Requirements and Competition among Exchanges" |
May 19, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Kjell Nyborg (London Business School) | "R&D, Capital Investments, and Financing Under Repeated Moral Hazard" |
April 7, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Philip Schönbucher (University of Bonn) | "A Market Model of Stochastic Volatility" |
March 24, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Ulrich Hege (Tilburg University) | "Trade Credit Chains and Liquidity Supply" |
March 22, 2000 | |
Steven Zeff (Rice University) | "The Coming Confrontation on International Accounting Standards" |
March 17, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Klaus Gugler (University of Vienna) | "Corporate Governance, Dividend Smoothing, and the Interrelationships Between Dividends, R&D, and Capital Investment" |
March 10, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Tomas Bjoerk (Stockholm School of Economics) | "On finite dimensional realizations of nonlinear forward rate models" |
Winter Term 1999/2000
February 3, 2000 | |
Ed Nosal (University of Waterloo) | "Information Gathering by a Principal" |
January 28, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Hans Moritsch (University of Vienna) | "A Parallel Implementation for Pricing Interest Rate Dependent Securities" |
January 19, 2000 | |
Jim Rogers (Columbia University) | "Future Development of Global Financial Markets" |
January 14, 2000 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Alfred Wagenhofer (University of Graz) | "Accrual-Based Compensation, Depreciation and Investment Incentives" |
December 17, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Stavros Zenios (University of Cyprus) | "Integrated Simulation and Optimization Models for Tracking International Fixed Income Indices" |
December 10, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Kristian Miltersen (University Odense) | "Debt Renegotiation, Capital Structure and the Asset Substitution Problem" |
December 3, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Alexander Ljungqvist (University of Oxford) | "Explaining the Determinants of Inefficiency in Managerial Incentives: A Stochastic Frontier Approach" |
November 12, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Alex Stomper (University of Vienna) | "Lending Relationships and Banks' Information about Industry-Specific Default Risk" |
October 29, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Martin Hellwig (University of Mannheim) | "On the Economics and Politics of Corporate Finance and Corporate Control" |
October 15, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Zsuzsanna Fluck (NYU) | "Capital Structure Decisions in Small and Large Firms: A Life-cycle Theory of Financing" |
October 14, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop and Wirtschaftstheoretisches Forschungsseminar) | |
Ravi Jagannathan (Northwestern University and University of Minnesota): | "The Stock Market’s Reaction to Unemployment News: Why Bad News May Some Times Be Good For Stocks?" |
Wayne Ferson (University of Washington): | "Performance evaluation with Stochastic Discount Factors" |
Summer Term 1999
June 23, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Marek Musiela (University of New South Wales, Sydney) | "A simulation algorithm based on measure relationships in the lognormal Market Models" |
June 18, 1999 (Dissertantenseminar) | |
Bernd Engelmann (University of Vienna) | "How to solve Black-Scholes for correlation derivatives" |
May 14, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Sudi Sudarsanam (City University London) | "Does it matter who your banker is? Impact of investment bank reputation on shareholder wealth in takeovers" |
May 11, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Thomas W. Ross (University of British Columbia) | "Public and Private Guarantee Funds with Market Fragility" |
May 5, 1999 (ISOC) | |
A. Gaivoronski (Trondheim) | "Finding optimal portfolios with constraints on value at risk" |
March 19, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Arnoud W. A. Boot (University of Amsterdam) | "Expansion of Banking Scale and Scope: Don't Banks Know the Value of Focus?" |
March 19, 1999 (ISOC) | |
John Mulvey (Princeton) | "Capital Allocation for Integrated Financial Risk Management" |
March 12, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Mjomir Mrak (University of Ljubljana) | "Financial Sector Restructuring in Transition Economies" |
March 4, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Ernst Maug (Duke University) | "Insider Trading and Corporate Governance" |
Duane Seppi (Carnegie Mellon University) | "The Spark Spread: An Equilibrium Model of Cross-Commodity Price Relationships in Electricity" |
Winter Term 1998/99
January 22, 1999 (CCEFM Workshop and SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science") | |
Martin Weber (Universitaet Mannheim) | "Home Bias in International Stock Return Expectation" |
December 11, 1998 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Tomas Bjoerk (Stockholm School of Economics) | "Diversified Portfolios in Continuous Time" |
November 27, 1998 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Pierre Mella-Barral (London School of Economics) | "Collateral, Renegotiation and the Valuation of Widely Held Debt" |
November 13, 1998 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Terrance Odean (University of California, Davis) | "Boys will be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock Investment" |
October 23, 1998 | |
Kit Pong Wong (University of Hong Kong) |
"Predation, Financing Choices, and the Pecking Order" (joint work with Sudipto Dasgupta, Jawaharial Nehru University and Hong Kong University) |
October 19, 1998 (CCEFM Workshop) | |
Paul Pfleiderer (Stanford) | "Forcing Firms to Talk: Financial Disclosure Regulation and Externalities" |
Summer Term 1998
July 3, 1998 | |
Bruce Grundy (Wharton) | "Executive Compensation & The Boundary of the Firm: The Case of Short-Lived Projects" |
June 26, 1998 (VSX Workshop) | |
Sudipto Bhattacharya (LSE) | "Insider Trading, Investment and Liquidity: A Welfare Analysis" |
June 25, 1998 (VSX Workshop) | |
Uptal Bhattacharya (Kelley School of Business) | "Capital Markets and the Evolution of Family Businesses" |
June 9, 1998 (SFB Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science) | |
Cars Hommes (Universität Amsterdam) | "Adaptive Beliefs and the Emergence of Complex Dynamics in Economic and Financial Models" |
May 15, 1998 | |
Herbert Dawid (Uni Wien) | "Repeated Moral Hazard with Boundedly Rational Agents" |
May 8, 1998 (VSX Workshop) | |
Darrel Duffie (Stanford) | "Term Structures of Credit Spreads with Incomplete Accounting Information" |
May 7, 1998 | |
Robert A. Haugen | "The Beast on Wall Street" |
April 23, 1998 (VSX Workshop) | |
Bruno Biais (Toulouse) | "Optimal leverage and aggregate investment" |
April 3, 1998 | |
Christian Keber (Universität Wien) | "Optionsbewertung mit Hilfe der Genetischen Programmierung" |
March 30, 1998 | |
Antony Unwin (Universität Augsburg) | "Explorative Datenanalysen - neue Ideen, neue Software" |
March 20, 1998 | |
Andrea Gaunersdorfer (Universität Wien) | "The Strategic Role of Dividends and Debt in Markets With Imperfect Competition" |
Winter Term 1997/98
January 23, 1998 | |
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Universite de Lausanne and CEPR) | "The Strategic Effect of Dominant Investors on Transparency and Competition" |
January 16, 1998 | |
Dennis C. Mueller (Universität Wien, Inst.f.Wirtschaftswissenschaften) | "The Causes of Mergers: Tests Based on the Gains to Acquiring Firms' Shareholders and the Size of Premia" |
December 12, 1997 (SFB Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science) | |
Cars Hommes (Universität Amsterdam) | "Heterogeneous beliefs and market instability" |
December 12, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Wolfgang Kuersten (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena) | "Kreditsicherheiten, Kreditrationierung und Moral Hazard - Anmerkungen zur Reichweite eines prominenten (Stiglitz/Weiss-) Modells der Financial Principal Agent-Theory" |
December 4, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Maurice Levi (University of British Columbia) |
"Losing Sleep at the Market: The Daylight-Savings Anomaly" "A Portfolio Analysis of Alternative Configurations of the European Union" " |
November 13, 1997 | |
Duane Seppi (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Equilibrium Forward Curves for Commodities" |
Summer Term 1997
June 26, 1997 | |
Prof. Bemmaor | "How Grounded Are Individual - Level Purchase Intent Data?" |
June 20, 1997 | |
Prof. Cravens | "Investigating the relationships among sales, management control, sales territory design, salesperson performance, and sales organization effectiveness" |
June 13, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Michel Habib (London Business School) | "Debt and Equity as Information Revelation Mechanisms" |
June 12, 1997 | |
Prof. Baumgartner | "Assessing Measurement Invariance in Cross-National Consumer Research" |
June 11, 1997 (IHS) | |
Burton Hollifield | "An Empirical Model of a Pure Limit Order Market" |
June 6, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Hans Stoll (Vanderbilt University) | "Components of the Bid-Ask Spread: a General Approach" |
May 23, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Wolfgang Buehler (Universität Mannheim) | "Bewertung von Zinsoptionen: Eine empirische Studie fuer den deutschen Optionsmarkt" |
April 25, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Nyborg Kjell (London Business School) | "Bidder Behavior in Multiple Unit Auctions: Evidence from Swedish Treasury Auctions" |
April 21, 1997 | |
Colin Mayer (University of Oxford) | "Share blocks and corporate control in the UK" |
April 17, 1997 | |
Larry Jones (University of British Columbia) | "The Homeownership Choice, Life Cycle Savings and Household Demand for Debt: Some Issues" |
April 11, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Guenter Franke (Universitaet Konstanz) | "Risk-Value Efficient Portfolios and Asset Pricing" |
March 17, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
John Doukas (Old Dominion University) | "Corporate Diversification Strategies & Firm Performance" |
March 14, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Duane Seppi (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Liquidity-Based Competition for Order Flow" |
Winter Term 1996/97
January 17, 1997 (VSX Workshop) | |
Julian Franks (London Business School) | "The Ownership and Control of German Corporations" |
December 19, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Bryan R. Routledge (Carnegie Mellon University) | "Adaptive Learning and Financial Markets" |
November 29, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Eckhart Boehmer (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) | "Corporate Governance Strukturen in Deutschland" |
November 22, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Espen Eckbo and Karin Thorburn (Stockholm School of Economics) |
"Competition and State-Contingent Payoffs in Tender Offers" "Corporate Restructurings under a Liquidation Code: Evidence from Swedish Bankruptcies" |
November 15, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Thierry Foucault (Universitaet Pompeu Fabra) | "Monitoring Incentives with Liquidity Shocks" |
October 31, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
William Perraudin (Birkbeck College, London) | "Real Options and Preemption" |
October 25, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Dieter Sondermann (Universitaet Bonn) | "Closed Form Solutions for Term Structure Derivatives with Log-Normal Interest Rates" |
October 18, 1996 | |
Olaf Ehrhardt (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) | "Boerseneinfuehrungen von Aktien am deutschen Kapitalmarkt" |
October 1, 1996 | |
Thaleia Zariphopoulou (University of Wisconsin) | "Boerseneinfuehrungen von Aktien am deutschen Kapitalmarkt" |
Summer Term 1996
June 21, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
S. Eduardo Schwartz (UCLA) | "Asset Allocation" |
June 14, 1996 | |
Stan Pliska (University of Chicago) | "Dynamic Asset Allocations with Uncertain Parameters" |
Heribert Reisinger (Universität Wien) | "Der Einfluß des Forschungsdesigns auf die Höhevon Bestimmtheitsmaßen in linearen Regressionsmodellen" |
May 30, 1996 | |
Wolfgang Gaul (Universitaet Karlsruhe) | "Gleichzeitige, zweifache Segmentierung als Instrument der Marketingforschung" |
May 10, 1996 | |
Georg Pflug (Universitaet Wien) | "Decision making under uncertainity" |
May 9, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Philippe Jorion (University of California at Irvine) | "Re-emerging Markets" |
May 3, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Francesca Cornelli (London Business School) | "Stage financing and the role of convertible debt" |
April 30, 1996 | |
Ron Giammarino (University of British Columbia) | "A Value Enhancing Role for Greenmail and Defensive Measures" |
April 26, 1996 | |
Josef Hofbauer (Universität Wien, Inst.f.Mathematik) | "Nicht-Konvergenz zum Gleichgewicht: Ein universelles Shapley Beispiel" |
April 18, 1996 (VSX Workshop) | |
Sudipto Bhattacharya | "Conceptual Issues in Banking Regulation" |
March 29, 1996 | |
Michael Kirschenheiter (Columbia University) | "Managerial Discretion Under Alternative Accounting Standards" |
March 22, 1996 | |
Wolfgang Schmidt (Deutsche Bank Frankfurt) | "On interest rate term structure models" |
Winter Term 1995/96
January 26, 1996 | |
Hans Foellmer (Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin) | "Stochastische Interaktionen zwischen Preisprozessen und ihren Derivaten" |
January 25, 1996 | |
Christoph Gallus (Universitaet Erlangen und Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt) | "Robustheit von Absicherungsstrategien von Derivaten" |
January 22, 1996 | |
Soenke Albers | "Zur relativen Aussagekraft und Eignung von Ansaetzen der Neuen Institutionslehre fuer die Absatzformwahl sowie die Entlohnung von Verkaufsaussendienstmitarbeitern" |
January 19, 1996 | |
Peter Kort (Univ. Tilburg) | "Optimal R & D investments of the firm" |
January 12, 1996 | |
Andrew Kusiak | "Business Process Reengineering" |
December 15, 1995 (VSX Workshop) | |
Ivo Welch London Business School/UCLA | "Why are bank loans senior?" |
December 1, 1995 | |
Alois Geyer (Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien) | "Anlageentscheidungen bei Abhaengigkeiten in Aktienrenditen" |
November 23, 1995 (VSX Workshop) | |
Raman Uppal (University of British Columbia) | "The Economic Determinants of the Home Country Bias in Investors' Portfolios: A Survey" |
November 24, 1995 | |
Raman Uppal (University of British Columbia) | "An Examination of Uncovered Interest Rate Parity in Segmented International Commodity Markets" |
November 17, 1995 | |
Karl Sigmund (Universität Wien, Inst.f.Mathematik) | "Die Evolution der Kooperation" |
November 14, 1995 (VSX Workshop) | |
Raffi Amit (University of British Columbia) | "Venture Capital Regimes and Entrepreneurial Activity" |
November 10, 1995 | |
Martin Scheicher (Universität Wien, Inst.f.Wirtschaftswissenschaften) | "Asset Pricing with Time-Varying Covariances: Evidence for the German Stock Market" |
November 6, 1995 (VSX Workshop) | |
R. Stehle (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) | "Anomalien in Deutschen Kapitalmaerkten" |
October 20, 1995 | |
John S. Hughes (Duke University) | "Strategic Implications of Common Service Cost Allocation" |
October 18, 1995 (VSX Workshop) | |
John S. Hughes (Duke University) | "Earnings Announcements and Security Returns" |
October 6, 1995 | |
Sadipto Dasgupta (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) | "Pricing strategy and financial policy" |
Summer Term 1995
First VSX Workshop | |
Neil Stoughton | "A New Method of Portfolio Performance Measurement" |
April 7, 1995 | |
Klaus Ritzberger (IHS) | "Competitive Equilibria and Market Corners in Centralized Order-Driven Markets" |
März 31, 1995 | |
Gerhard Orosel (Universität Wien, Inst.f.Wirtschaftswissenschaften) | "The Stock Market When Market Participation is Costly" |
März 17, 1995 | |
Leonardo Felli (London School of Economics) | "Job Matching, Learning and the Distribution of Surplus" |
Winter Term 1994/95
January 27, 1995 | |
Stefan Reichelstein (Universität Wien) | "Budgeting and Hierachical Control" |
January 20, 1995 | |
Jürgen Elsner (Universität Wien) | "Chaos und Zufall am Deutschen Aktienmarkt" |
November 25, 1994 | |
Steffen Jørgensen (Dept. of Management, Odense University) | "Dynamic Games and Management Strategy" |
November 18, 1994 | |
Klaus M. Schmidt (Universität Bonn) | "Managerial Incentives and Product Market Competition" |
November 9, 1994 | |
Francis Longstaff (UCLA) | "Option Pricing and the Martingale Restriction" |
November 4, 1994 | |
Michale Crouhy (HEC School of Management, Paris) | "Pricing Options and Corporate Securities when Volatility is Stochastic" |
October 28, 1994 | |
Alfred Wagenhofer (Universität Graz) | "Distorting Overhead Cost Allocations in an Agency Setting" |
Summer Term 1994
August 23, 1994 (jointly with Department of Economics) | |
Birgit Grodal (University of Copenhagen) | |
David Kreps (Graduate School of Business, Stanford University) | "A Theory of Promises" |
June 13, 1994 | |
Thomas Gehrig (Universität Basel) | "Bid-Ask Preads with Indirect Competition Among Specialists" |
May 27, 1994 | |
Michael Brennan (University of California, Los Angeles) | "Information, Trade, and Derivative Securities" |
May 16, 1994 | |
Alan Kraus (University of British Columbia) | "Options, Information Revelation and Self-Induced Price Uncertainty" |
May 9, 1994 | |
Vojislav Maksimovic (University of Maryland) | "Equilibrium Dominance in Experimental Financial Markets" |
April 25, 1994 | |
Walter Schachermayer (Universität Wien, Inst.f.Statistik) | "The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing" |
April 18, 1994 | |
John M. Hartwick (Queen's University) | "Capital Gains and Asset Switching" |
Winter Term 1993/94
January 1994 (jointly with Vienna University of Technology) |
Vernon Smith |
VSX Workshop: Mit Unterstützung der Wiener Börse (supported by the Vienna Stock Exchange)